Tree on Neptune

Tree on Neptune

Our souls’ flicker like Aurora Borealis. Everchanging, we, like the Solar Wind, collide with the Earth’s atmosphere and glow greenish in its magnetosphere. Experiences shape us, allow us to become who we are. Will the protagonist of the novel be able to preserve herself, while engaging in an obscure battle with artificial intelligence, which is trying to deprive her of her own self? Can we, while changing, remain who we were?

Tree on Neptune is alexandrae’s experimental novel, many chapters of which correspond to songs from her concept album of the same name. The songs are closely connected with the novel’s chapters and enable the reader to fully immerse into the protagonist’s inner world. The album and the novel are created simultaneously as they are two components of one project.

The ambitious goal of the project is a deep emotional bond that can be experienced through this unusual way of storytelling. Try something new: Put your headphones on, listen to the songs and dive into the protagonist’s world while reading. Dare to feel the pages coming to life?

© Author of the book: alexandrae
© Music, lyrics & performance: alexandrae
© Cover image: alexandrae

All characters and names appearing in this work are fictitious.

The novel is in the works and scheduled for publication by the end of 2025.

The author is open and happy to cooperate with publishing houses sponsors and patrons.

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